It's NOT Barbie, it's 'The Beach!'

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Just wondering...

I was looking at my blog hoping that I would have some great comments to read and I wondered why I have a uh, an, er...what do you call the container that deodorant comes in? I was just wondering why I have deodorant open on my kitchen table. I can't figure that one out...


Elizabeth said...

Yea, I saw that. Weirdo.

Phae-Jae said...

!HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! It's your birthday...shake your booty!

I noticed the B.O. Stick too:D, you guys use that stuff?

mindyluwho said...

I didn't notice it until you pointed it out. Do those boys get you a little sweaty cleaning up after them?

Jenny said...

i never touch the must be the milkman's...