It's NOT Barbie, it's 'The Beach!'

Monday, December 10, 2007

Lie #12: It's just a rash...

My baby girl had an ear infection and was given Amoxicicillan. I know it's not spelled right, I don't care right now. On the 10th day of taking this, she broke out in a terrible rash and after a day or two I took her to the doctor. $25. See post below for the co-pay rampage. He said, it's just a viral rash. So, two days later late in the evening we decide to take her back to the after hours clinic to pay $50 and discover she is likely allergic to Penicillin. Again, don't care about the spelling. So I have to post some pics of what she looked like. This was not just some was everywhere!!!


Phae-Jae said...

Stinkin' liars!

Poor baby girl.

Jenny said...

i know. it was so sad. but her cheeks have finally cleared up and she is back to her cute little self again!

Elizabeth said...

Oh, but her rosy cheeks looked so cute!