It's NOT Barbie, it's 'The Beach!'

Sunday, May 31, 2009

We do what we have to do...

Tonight, Jonah was saying the family prayer and it went exactly like this: Dear Heavenly Father... Well, I don't know why we have to earn 100 points to earn our scooters, but...we do what we have to do! In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Upon moving to CO, my skin has been thirsty - and a little itchy due to the dryness. So, I was reading to Joel and I stopped a few times to itch my arm. He says to me, "Mom, I think you have fleas. You know what that're going to have to get flea powder!" Thanks to the authors of Ed and Fred Flea. The next morning he told me that I was a bushy flea head.

Jessica said her first prayer completely without help the other night. It went something like this: Dear Hebbie Fadder, kank oo por dis day. Peas bess Gamma an Papa an peas bess Papa and Gamma. Peas bess Pappa an Gamma and bess Gamma and Pappa... This must have gone on for a full 60 seconds before she wrapped it up with a big Amen and a happy clap of the hands!

My husband and his brother had these really great ship wheel headboards when they were kids. Now we have them and to update them a bit after they sat in an attic for many years, I painted them with a weather crackle look. They look amazing, by the way. Joel was out in the garage with me and asked me what they were. I said they were ship wheels, like from a big ship. He shouts really loud, "That's awesome! Now we can play pirates and say, 'Arrr Matey, give me some root beer!!'

We were reading from the scriptures the other night and Jonah asked what wicked meant. We explained it to him as an angry look crossed his face. I asked what was wrong and he said, "I thought wicked meant something was cool!" You know, as in, "Man this blog is wicked!"

Jerry can't watch a movie without reciting entire passages word for word or commentating an entire scene. Kung Fu Panda is one of his favorites. "Here it comes, here it comes Dad! They, like, fall down the stairs fighting (his hands are talking as much as his mouth as he acts the scene out) and his big bottom goes like, Boiiiiiing on the tigers face!" He than follows it up with the biggest laugh possible from a little kid with an "Awwwww, that was so funny! Rewind it, Dad! I GOTTA see that again!"

Once when Jerry was in Pre-K, he brought home a little Lego cat. I asked him where it came from and he said he didn't know but that his teacher had two of them at school. I asked if he took it and he said he didn't. I kept asking him and finally I asked him how it could have gotten from her class to our house. He says, "I don't know. I guess it must have just walked here." He was serious as a heart attack and to this day, I often wonder about that cat... It did seem to be able to make it's way back to the class though. It must have hitched a ride in Jerry's pocket.

Jonah was lying on the couch with his daddy today watching a little TV. I was lying on another couch and I mouthed something to his daddy. Jonah thinks I am talking to him. He looks at me and puts his hands up and shrugs while mouthing something like a question to me. He wanted to know what I said. So, instead of telling him I wasn't talking to him, I mouth to him "I love you." He mouths back like he's still not sure what I'm saying. I mouth it again..."I love you." He looks around at his Daddy and brothers and looks back at me and mouths this: While pointing at me he mouths, " points at himself)...ME?" I mouth "Yes." He smiles a sweet contented smile and snuggles back in with his Daddy. A few short moments later, he comes over wanting to snuggle with me and as he's climbing under the throw on the couch with me, he says, "So, you were saying that you love me?..."

Awww, kids...gotta love 'em!


Rick and Michelle said...

Can I just tell you how incredibly amazing that was to read. I was laughing so hard! Your boys are so cute. And I wish that I had seen your little girl before I left for school. I am glad things are going well for you. I miss you tons! From Michelle (Gudmundson) case the added on name of Rick confused you. :)

mindyluwho said...

Hilarious and heartwarming! I needed a good laugh. Thank you!

Jenny said...

Michelle!!!! I miss you too, sweetie! How are you?

katherine said...

I love this post. Those sweet moments are the best memories for a Mom to have. Miss you guys. I'm glad you are settling in to your new home. Take care!

Elizabeth said...

That was so fun to read! Those are the moments that make us remember that it's a blessing to be a mother, not a curse, as we (ok, I) sometimes think! lol

Jenny said...

Elizabeth, you are NOT the only mom to ever think that!!!