It's NOT Barbie, it's 'The Beach!'

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Lie #74: Real men wear pink?

I bought my two older sons pink collared polo shirts for their school. They go to a charter school here in CO and they have uniforms. Collared shirts with khaki or navy pants/shorts. Anyway, I showed Jonah and said, "Look what I bought you and Jerry to wear?!" They have pink t-shirts that they wear on a regular basis, btw... Jonah looks at me and gets this 'I'm trying to look like I'm as excited as you are but I'm really not and the more I think about it and the longer I look at that pink shirt the harder it is for me to act excited' look. I say, "What? You don't like it?" And he says, "Oh great, now everyone's going to laugh at me!"

So I say that was fine and I could take it back to the store. He seems good with that. Then today I bring down a yellow shirt and a brown shirt for him to choose from and ask which one he wants to wear. He says, "Ummm...the pink one?" I said, "You want to wear the pink one?!" He said yes and so off he went to school today looking very smart in his darling pink collared shirt and he never complained once about it!

So the saying should go something more like this:

Real big boys who will do anything to please their mommies wear pink.

I love him!

BTW, Jerry looked at it later that evening and said, "I'll wear it on Valentine's Day!" I just laughed and said, "That's in school year!" He just grinned like he was fully aware of that!


Alesa Larsen said...

That is too cute. Don't you love the way boys love their mommies. I am glad you are all in CO now.

Jenny said...

Yes! They do anything for me and they do it because they love me! Jerry wore his shirt today! LOL! He said that some boys made fun of him on the playground and said pink was for girls. He said, "My dad has a pink shirt!" And then his friends stuck up for him and said that lots of dad wear pink! He wasn't even bothered by it! So proud...

Jenny said...

Alesa, I need to see your blog!! Let me in! I don't know your email...

Elizabeth said...

That's awesome that Jerry's friends stuck up for him! How are they liking their new school and how are YOU liking it??

Jenny said...

Well, I like it so far! It's nice to be home for a change!