It's NOT Barbie, it's 'The Beach!'

Saturday, May 24, 2008

lie # 8: Summer is a vacation

Yes, it is one of my top 10 lies that people trick you into believing. Don't misunderstand me. I can't WAIT for summer! It will be so nice to not have to wake up to an alarm for a while, make lunches every night, pay our wonderful babysitter, see my children more than 5 hours a day, rush out the door saying, "Hurry! We're late, we're late! Let's GO! NOW!", or plan week long lessons at a time every Thursday afternoon. For that, I am thrilled. But...trying to do housework and laundry with 4 kids at my feet is not exactly my idea of a good time. I don't know how my big sister does her job. She has 6 kids that she homeschools. Very successfully, too. And, she still keeps a clean house. I know she would say she doesn't. But she does. Her laundry is done and she has home cooked meals several times a week. I have been spoiled because my mom-in-law helps so much around my house while she's there keeping the kids for me during the day. So, I guess what I'm saying is...I'm scared!! I know my house is going to be a wreck for the next 2 1/2 months and that I will be looking for my undies that have been designated to be destroyed because I don't have any clean ones! I will be swimming, playing, eating, traveling, not camping, and laying around reading books and will have no time to clean or wash clothes!

I will officially redefine the phrase Summer Vacation to mean the following for myself:

A hot, sticky, carefree time that smells like coconuts, charcoal, dog, chlorine, poopie baby girls, and dirty boys that is void of very much physical exertion in the way of scrubbing, mopping, soaping or sweating due to anything other than heat from the sun; a designated time of spontaneous laughter and combustible smiles.

I hope everyone has as great a summer vacation as I plan on having!


mindyluwho said...

Liar, liar, pants for hire...

My husband will dispute the clean home and home cooked meals bit. Here's our regular 4:30 pm conversation,



"What's for dinner."

"I don't know."

"That's my Mind."

As for your summer plans...I love them, coconut, dirty boys and all!

Elizabeth said...

I've officially started my summer vacation doing exactly what you plan NOT to do. I've scrubbed every door, baseboard, and cupboard in my home, bleached the frame of my fridge, cleaned every carpeted area-except the kids rooms, but that will get done as soon as I can find their floors-and piled up clean laundry to put away tonight. Any guesses who's coming to MY house??? I'll probably get sent to the ER from exhaustion before they even get here-but then if I'm not here to guard the house, they may find their way to my closet! Oh no!! I'm moving in with you this summer instead.

Jenny said...

Only if you clean my house like you're cleaning yours! And as for the guesses...could it be your Father-in-law???

Mindy, you lie worse than a 5-year old boy who ate 3 popsicles and a bar-b-q sandwich that you were saving for lunch.

katherine said...

Jenny do you have your pool up? Can I fly across the country and hang out so my kids can hang out with your kids and we can laugh and sit back and do NOTHING! I'll bring the otter pops, you get the pool ready. Or better yet you leave your house a mess and fly out here and we'll hang out at our pool--it's way more entertaining (there's fat men in speedos and lots of cottage cheese--enough to stare and wonder all day long where my cottage cheese parts are, and maybe Derek will treat us to one of his signature can openers that always splashes and ticks off the life guard--ha! Yeah--just buy new undies, leave the mess and come visit me!!!